Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Liz Write Life 9-18-18

Sept. 18, 2018

Liz Writes Life

First, I apologize for not getting my column written last week. Life just got too hectic. My husband, Jack’s, Life Celebration was wonderful on Sept. 7, 2018 with so many people showing-up and many good friends helping out with the BBQ beef ribs and potluck. A friend invited several Pacific Crest Trail hikers to eat and the one, from Europe, said she had never seen such a spread of food. She was told it was a “potluck!” Might be a better description to call it a “Scott Valley Potluck!”

Lots of family came-in and I-5 being closed, due to the Delta Fire, made it tricky. Jack’s sister, Darlene, and family stayed the night in Redding. I was surprised they found motel rooms. They were able to drive up 44 to Mt. Lassen then hit 89 and make it through McCloud. It made me smile to see Darlene visiting with several of her 1970 Etna High classmates.

All of my mom and dad’s grandchildren were able to make it. Lots of photos were taken. One niece has become the family photographer -- replacing me. Whew, I am ready for the next generation to do all that work!

What added to the hustle and bustle is that my brother-in-law, Dave Norris, had a stroke on Monday morning, just before they were going to drive back to Utah. The ambulance took him to Fairchild Medical Center. Dave stayed overnight and his speech and right hand were getting much better by Tuesday afternoon, when he was released. He could walk and dress himself, which was good.

My son, Justin, and his family stayed the several extra days and left with Lorena and Dave on Wednesday morning. Justin purchased walkie-talkies, so they could communicate, when cell phones wouldn’t work. They took two days to cross the Nevada desert and arrived at their homes, in Utah, safely.

My son, Branden, helped out on Monday, when Lorena and Dave’s son, Tyler, needed to get back to Chico. Branden drove the Weaverville detour to get Tyler down for work on Tuesday. Yep, it was busy.

Enough of the fluff: I have been asked by caring friends and family how I am doing. I reply that I am doing fine and then realize “fine” really doesn’t explain much. Grief is an interesting emotion and I am learning that there are many ways to grieve. I grieve in private as that is where I find my solace.
But, I truly do believe death isn’t the end of a person. Yes, there is a void – a finality from this world for they have gone to the next. While on the cross, Jesus told the thieves they would be with him in Paradise. I believe Paradise is the next step. Everyone gets to achieve it. It isn’t heaven, because that judgment will come later. But, it is a beautiful healing place -- a place for more caring and kindness and enlightenment.

How can I begrudge Jack the joy of seeing his father, who died when he was a teenager – and he had not seen (because of divorce) since he was a young child. Jack had recently been helping his younger sister with the care of his step-dad, Pinky, in Redding. Pinky died eight days before Jack. Yes, an interesting coincidence.
For several days, I thought of the many individuals, who were happy to see Jack for they are there in Paradise as well. I can picture them searching until they find him. Now, without consciously thinking about it, names come into my mind – people I hadn’t thought about in years – that are getting reacquainted with Jack.

That is when a few more tears come verifying this truth. We do have a spirit. We do live on. Paradise is real. I do not to know the extent of these things, but my heart burns they are true. This is what faith is – trusting in things that we do not fully understand. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I study his teachings and I am so very grateful for this knowledge as it brings a calming peace. Yes, I truly am doing fine. Thank you for caring and for sending your prayers and good wishes. You all are appreciated! This is a wonderful community of which I enjoy!


Boy, has it cooled down at night. And the recent clear blue skies are wonderful. I sent some ripe tomatoes home with family and was surprised that every one of them had a four-way split on the top. They were still sealed, but they don’t last as long with splits that easily open. I also sent green tomato sweet relish home with my cousin, Alan Hovenden, and his seven grown girls.

The pickling cucumbers have stopped producing, so I pulled them up. But, the lemon cucs are still putting out. I eat one almost every morning, when I irrigate. The four o’clock flowers are about done and are producing the big black seeds. I will miss them as their small trumpet blooms make it look like a jungle under the pine tree.
Flixx Festival
It is almost here! The 2018 Jefferson State Flixx Festival starts this Thursday and runs through Sunday, Sept 23, 2018. Films will be shown at The REC in Fort Jones and Avery Theater in Etna. Activities will also be held at the Denny Bar Company in Etna and California Heritage Farms outside of Fort Jones. Call The REC at 530-468-2888 to get your tickets. There are lots of films to choose from and they also have package deals.


It seems a little early to see so many geese in the valley. Clint and Cody Custer raised grain this year and hundreds of geese are landing in the field eating the leftovers. In the winter, a herd of elk like to visit their willow trees. I teased Clint calling it “Custer’s Wildlife Preserve.”


Scott Valley Protect Our Water will hold its next meeting on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018 at the Fort Jones Community Center at 7 p.m. Bring a dessert to share if you can.
Liz Bowen began writing ranch and farm news, published in newspapers, in 1976. She is a native of Siskiyou County and lives near Callahan. Call her at 530-467-3515. Check out her blog at:
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