Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Liz Writes Life 9-29-2021 - More concern over state water board's certified letters

Liz Writes Life

Sept. 29, 2021

More concern over groundwater wells

I received several phone calls from folks concerned over the recent new “Emergency Regulation” by the State Water Board that stopped water use by adjudicated water right allocations on Aug. 30, 2021.

Folks with domestic wells, including non-adjudicated wells, received a certified letter from the Water Board explaining the “drought emergency minimum flows” in the Scott and Shasta River watersheds and the need to report water use and immediate stoppage of using adjudicated water. This is because the water flows in the Scott and Shasta Rivers are considered much too low by the Water Board.

After talking with a Water Board staff person and emailing with another, I learned that you do not have to report water usage and you do not have to stop using your groundwater well – if it is not adjudicated and you use a minimum amount. And some domestic adjudicated wells can continue to be used. Deadline to report was Sept. 24, 2021.

Questions have arisen. One is the need to understand “adjudication.” Adjudication typically means two or more people argued over water use and a court decision “decreed” who would receive how much water and when from a single source. In a differing situation, many groundwater wells were included in the 1980 Scott River Adjudication. The county or state water law involving that adjudication process is way beyond my knowledge or understanding, but it occurred in a Siskiyou County Court.

I talked with Ray Haupt, our Dist. 5 Siskiyou Co. Supervisor who is also chairman of the board. He said the board discussed the new “Emergency Regulation” at their Sept. 22, 2021 meeting. The supervisors voted to send a letter to the Water Board asking for the science behind their minimum flow requirements on the Scott and Shasta Rivers. Our board is also asking where and how the state has authority over domestic wells that were permitted by the county and are not adjudicated.

“The letter caught the public off-guard,” Ray told me, referring to non-adjudicated well landowners that were fearful and confused by the (possible) demand to stop using their domestic well. He and the other board members are also requesting Water Board representatives attend a Siskiyou Board meeting to discuss these issues regarding this potentially year-long “Emergency Regulation.” So, we will see what happens next.

In phone calls and emails with the Water Board staff, I learned that folks whose domestic well has gone dry should report it. There are grants and resources to help with domestic health and safety due to the drought.

So, I called Bryan Schenone, the director of Siskiyou Co. Office of Emergency Services, and asked him about reporting dry wells. He said it helps the county vie for financial help from the state that would directly aid the domestic well owners. In the past month, only one dry well has been reported to him. In comparison, Bryan said that Glenn Co. has reported more than 60 domestic wells going dry and Tehama reported 48 domestic wells going dry in the last month or so. They will be higher up the totem pole, when asking for state help.

There are several reasons folks don’t report their well going dry. One is that they don’t know the county could possibly help with finances to drill the well deeper or other possibilities. And, there are rumors that their well will then be in adjudication or metered. Bryan assured me that these rumors are not true. And, I agree. The wells cannot be adjudicated if they have not gone through a court system and order. Also, I don’t think domestic wells are metered in or by Siskiyou County jurisdiction. But, I will check on that one. Some wells are metered in our local towns and cities, but that is decided by that city council.

So, if your domestic well has gone dry, at least call Bryan and discuss the situation and the possibilities of help.


Oh, it is so nice that autumn is here and the skies have been pretty clear of smoke since that Sept. 18 and 19th rain! My garden is winding down. Some of the bush zinnias are already dying, along with bee balm and the cantaloupe vines are turning yellow – so I picked the last four good-sized cantaloupes although they really didn’t look ripe. They should be ripe, because these are an 85-day variety and it has been more than 140 days since they were planted.

With the cooler nights, I decided to cut the five giant pumpkins off the vines. These are not extra huge, probably 40 to 50 pounds with the biggest at maybe 70 pounds. I could barely roll the big one out of the patch! The side they have been laying on is flat, but two-thirds is orange and looks like a pumpkin. It was fun growing them and they certainly did put on the most growth in August.

I’ve been picking ripe tomatoes and need to make several batches of Green Tomato Sweet Relish. Several tomato plants are already dying back as well. So, now it is time to start pulling plants out of the garden and cleaning it up. I tend to procrastinate and not get this done until winter or spring, but have already started. We will see how well my energy and attention-levels hold out to get it done!

May peace and calm be with you this week. Smile – just cuz it makes you feel better!

Liz Bowen began writing ranch and farm news, published in newspapers, in 1976. She is a native of Siskiyou County. Columns from the past can be found at: Call her at 530-467-3515.

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