Monday, September 28, 2020

Siskiyou Co. Supervisor, Ray Haupt, meets with U.S. President Donald Trump

 Supervisor Haupt gets “thumbs up” after meeting President Trump

Published in Siskiyou Daily News

Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2020


Slater Fire, Happy Camp were topics of conversation

By Liz Bowen

Ray Haupt, a Registered Professional Forester and second-term-elected Siskiyou Co. Dist. 5 Supervisor, was invited by the White House to a wildfire briefing with U.S. President Donald Trump and CA. Governor Gavin Newsom on Sept. 14, 2020 in Sacramento.

Two days before, with much sadness and desperation, Haupt emailed a letter to the White House Internal Governmental Affairs Director asking for help for Siskiyou County, which had just been hit by the Slater Fire in Happy Camp incinerating 158 homes and killing two individuals. Additionally, Haupt offered his expertise in wildfire behavior and healthy forest management. On Sunday morning, Haupt received an email and phone call asking him to be at the McClellan Air Force Base at 8 a.m. on Monday. Haupt assured the caller he would be there.

California officials, including Gov. Newsom and hard fire-hit Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims, spoke first during the sit-down meeting. Then Pres. Trump motioned to Haupt. It was his turn.

“Thank you Mr. President for being here and listening to a very rural community and county at the very far extreme end of the state,” said Ray. He quickly added that his county continues to see the repeat of things President Trump saw during the 2018 Paradise Camp Fire, but on a smaller scale.

“The town of Happy Camp is under the Slater Fire that took-off and in a 24-hour period we lost 258 structures in a very small town and half of the population was displaced with 158 homes completely destroyed,” he said.

“Will that population come back?” Trump quickly asked with concern.

“Sir, that is a very tough question,” Haupt answered. “They are living through the down turn of the timber economy and there is very low employment in this area.” Haupt added, “We are completely surrounded by federal timber that at this point needs active forest management that would both improve the economy as well as even increase the water flow that is in short supplies in California.”

Getting personal, Haupt said he was coming to the president as a forester, elected official and past land manager for the U.S. Forest Service -- including fire fighter -- and explained he has worked with U.C. Berkeley and U.C. Merced on strategic forestry studies.

“Our forests are carrying four times the density as they did in 1930, so we have both the increase in brush in the wildland interface and the lack of management producing these extreme densities,” Haupt explained.

Haupt said he can’t do much about Climate Change, which had been touted as the major cause of the fires during the beginning of the meeting, “but as a forester actively managing the forest, I can manipulate fuels and can do that in pretty short order.”

Haupt then thanked Pres. Trump for his work on the most recent Farm Bill that provided more authorities for counties regarding public lands. He applauded Trump for the Master Stewardship Agreement, which Siskiyou County had just completed and signed.

“We have a half-million acre project that is ready to go,” Haupt said.

Trump interjected that money could also be made when removing and thinning the forests.

At that point, Gov. Newsom jumped-in and expanded on the progress made by the state with inter-agency cooperation and admitted that the state needs to “double” its efforts. Earlier in the meeting, Newsom had thanked Trump for all the federal support to California.

President Trump then looked at Gov. Newsom and Haupt and said, “I think we are totally in sync.” Haupt was able to mention the need to be “effective” in dealing with extreme fire behavior.

Trump then closed the 25-minute meeting, so he could then attend a ceremony to honor seven CA. Army National Guard personnel who flew helicopters through dangerous fire and smoke, on Sept. 5, 2020, and saved 242 people stranded by extreme fire.

After the meeting, the president stopped by Haupt and thanked him for his message giving him a “thumbs-up.”

To which Haupt added, “Sir, honestly, what the agencies are doing needs to be increased 100 fold.” Trump thanked him for his honesty.

Before the meeting and afterward, Haupt was able to speak with three Republican Congressmen, CA. Doug LaMalfa, Dist. 1, representing Siskiyou County, Tom McClintock from CA. Dist. 4 and Oregon’s Greg Walden. Congressman LaMalfa and Haupt have met many times working on legislation and projects to change the environmental policies that have been detrimental to forest health.

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