Monday, September 23, 2019

Liz Writes Life 9-11-19

Sept. 11, 2019

Liz Writes Life

Today is the 18th anniversary of the horrendous attacks on the United States of America by those who hate our Constitution our freedoms and our country.

Seven years ago, a special museum and memorial opened on the site of the twin towers in New York City that were destroyed by the attackers, who hijacked commercial airplanes and flew them into the buildings. At least 2,996 people were killed that day. This memorial also honors the six people, who died in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

The Memorial Mission statement, at the site, reads:

“Remember and honor the thousands of innocent men, women, and children murdered by terrorists in the horrific attacks of February 26, 1993 and September 11, 2001.

“Respect this place made sacred through tragic loss.

“Recognize the endurance of those who survived, the courage of those who risked their lives to save others, and the compassion of all who supported us in our darkest hours.

“May the lives remembered, the deeds recognized, and the spirit reawakened be eternal beacons, which reaffirm respect for life, strengthen our resolve to preserve freedom, and inspire an end to hatred, ignorance and intolerance.”

Sept. 11, 2001 was a severely shocking and sad day. Many lives have since been lost as a result of the dastardly deeds from that day. My hope is that “we the people” and all of our elected leaders will humble ourselves and strive harder to end hatred, ignorance and intolerance. Let us not forget 9-11 in 2001.

Dog days

Yay, the coolness of September arrived several days ago ending the hot, long, dog days of summer. Evening shadows are slanted differently from the sun’s solstice a few months ago -- and come quicker. Fall is coming! Last week, I canned tomatoes and made a big batch of Italian sauce using my home-grown herbs of oregano, basil and parsley. Now, I will need to can several batches of Green Tomato Sweet Relish, but will need to purchase bell peppers as I didn’t plant them this year and the onion starts didn’t do well.

Three weeks ago, I pulled-up the cucumbers. They were bitter – yuck! 

The non-volunteer cosmos and four o’clock flowers are finally blooming in gorgeous colors and the pie pumpkins turned orange a month ago.
Speaking of pumpkins, Alaska just set a new state record for a giant pumpkin during its state fair the end of August. Dale Marshall, of Anchorage, broke his previous giant pumpkin champion by nearly 600 pounds. This year, his pumpkin weighed 2,051 pounds. Yep, totally amazing. The long, almost 24-hour days of light are a huge growing factor, but Marshall also thought the extra actual “sunny days” they received this year really helped; and also heated the greenhouse, where it grew 25 to 50 pounds a day during July.

Marshall said the pumpkin received between 75 to 200 gallons of water a day. Wow. Another amazing fact is that it grew that large in 89 days. Yep, time to stop irrigating my pumpkins. They have been growing for 120 days and are done.

Film Festival

Once again, the Jefferson State Flixx Fest 2019 will be held Sept. 19 – 22 in Fort Jones at The Rec. An interesting number of films will be shown with evening activities sponsored by local businesses. Learn more by calling 530-468-2888 or going to website.

“Fun” Raiser

After years of holding its General Election Primary in June, California has moved that election date to March 3, 2020. This will be the date for the Presidential Primary and other office elections. This is not to be confused with our upcoming District General Election that will be held on Nov. 5, 2019 and will choose our Dist. 1 Assemblyperson, which is a runoff between Democrat Elizabeth Betancourt and Republican Megan Dahle. A few other local district elections will also be on the ballot.
Because the General Election Primary is three months earlier than what we are used to, fundraisers and campaign activities are also starting earlier.

The Siskiyou Citizens for Doug LaMalfa is holding a Harvest Festival “Fun” Raiser on Sat., Sept. 28th in Scott Valley. Grill Master Dave Tyler and his talented wife, Kathy Tyler, will be cooking barbeque ribs, chicken and all the fixins. The event starts at 3 p.m. with games, contests, auctions, live music, dance and a townhall discussion from LaMalfa.

Our congressman loves Siskiyou Co. A few years ago, Doug stopped the federal funding of $450 million that was needed to remove the four Klamath Hydro-electric dams under the previous Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Because of LaMalfa, Klamath dam removal is not a done deal and the new non-profit Klamath River Renewal Corp. is still lacking the funds and federal authority to remove the dams.
Dinner will be at 6 p.m. for LaMalfa’s Harvest Festival. Tickets are $30 for ages 13 and over; $15 for ages 8-12; and $3 for 7 and under. It will be held at Dowling Ranch Barn at 4500 Eastside Rd. near Etna. Call Kathy Bergeron Insurance at 530-842-4400 to get your tickets. I already purchased mine!


Ray Haupt, Dist. 5 Siskiyou Co. Supervisor, shared at the August Scott Valley Protect Our Water meeting that the proposed permit for the Kidder Creek Orchard Camp expansion is currently under the Environmental Impact Report review process. Because of the thick forest where the camp is located, Ray said the review will scrutinize the threat of forest fires. Also, this process will be the first test after the recent court decision regarding public doctrine and ground water.

Correction to last week’s column: Pat Thompson called to let me know that she and Fred (Arnberg) did not purchase Montague Hardware. I accidently got her husband, Lloyd Thompson, and Fred’s name mixed up. It was Pat and her husband, Lloyd, who purchased Montague Hardware after working with Fred at Montague Aviation. I apologize for the mistake. Hopefully, with the passing of the dog days of summer my brain will work better! Ha, ha.

Liz Bowen began writing ranch and farm news, published in newspapers, in 1976. She is a native of Siskiyou County and lives near Callahan. Columns from the past year can be found at: Call her at 530-467-3515.

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