Sunday, August 18, 2019

Liz Writes Life 8-14-19

August 14, 2019

Liz Writes Life


Loved, loved, loved the cooler weather from the thunder storms last weekend. Didn’t appreciate the lightning starting fires, but from several reports, it looks like fire agencies from Klamath National Forest, to CalFire and local volunteer groups were attacking them as fast as they were reported. Sure do hope they are all stopped quickly. Go fire fighters!
Rain hammered-down here on Friday night and I heard Callahan received hail. Then a nice rain showered several times on Saturday. Oh, it was so nice to let nature do the irrigating for several days!

Found five more ripe tomatoes. Luckily, I continued to find friends, who were happy to take the zucchini. The pie pumpkins are already turning orange. My McBroom neighbors, up the hill, gave me several boxes of peaches from their tree, so I canned 15 pints and put a bag in the freezer. Also, enjoyed several bowls of sliced peaches and milk. Yum!

Power went out twice at my place Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Sure appreciated the robo calls from Pacific Power to let me know what was going on. I knew where my flashlights were and used them on Friday night. Was surprised that it was only about an hour and the lights came back on. I did remember to unplug the sensitive computers, television and wifi. Over the years, lightning has taken out my telephone line – twice – and the wifi or computer modem several times. Because of the continuing lightning into Saturday, I just left them all unplugged. Felt kinda good to cut the cords!

Unfortunately, after heavy thunderstorms, it seems the puncture vine grows faster than anything. So, I will need to go out around the house, with the grubbing hoe, to dig them out before they get to be 10-feet across. I drag along a big trash bag to put them in. Ugh, those weeds are bad.


As the dog days of summer continue (after the excitement and socializing from the Siskiyou Golden Fair, last week), let’s take a look back at what was going on 60 years ago in 1959. Yep, time to reminisce a bit. What were you doing in 1959?

I found this info on the internet. Who needs encyclopedias anymore? (I do! And I still have my World Book 1989 set on the shelf – just in case the internet ever goes out and I need something to read.)

The average U.S. cost of a new house was around $12,000 and the average yearly wage was at $5,000. The cost of a gallon of gas was 25 cents and a new car cost approximately $2,000. A loaf of bread was 20 cents. A movie ticket was $1, but for some reason, I don’t think Avery’s charged that much at their theater in Etna -- at least not for kids. If anyone remembers the price, please give me a call.

On January 3rd, Alaska became the 49th state admitted to the United States, but I wonder how many new odd-numbered-starred flags were made before Hawaii was admitted as the 50th state on Aug. 21st?

After a gritty and grungy revolution, Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba causing worry because of his alliance with the Soviet Union. And the infamous “Kitchen Debate” was held by United States’ Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Union’s Premier Nikita Khrushchev, when they engaged in an unplanned discussion on July 24th at the U.S. trade show held in Moscow. The two leaders argued the merits of capitalism and communism, while standing in a model of a modern kitchen that was on display. It was made famous, because an American press filmed the encounter and, surprisingly, was aired in both countries.

Also in international news, the Dalai Lama and thousands of his followers escaped Tibet, when the revolution against Chinese aggression heightened. And an Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 countries that had been active in the region. The purpose was to guarantee peaceful use of the uninhabited continent for scientific purposes and global cooperation. There are now 53 countries that have signed on to the treaty.

Closer to home, Mattel debuted the first Barbie Doll. My mom purchased the second or third model for me. My friend, Candace Seaver, and I played with the dolls, but I think our moms had the most fun sewing beautiful clothes for them. I still have my dolls and there are more homemade clothes than the store-bought ones.

NASA introduced the first group of astronauts, known as the Mercury Seven. They were Alan Shepard, John Glenn, Walter Schirra, Donald Slayton, Virgil “Gus” Grissom, L. Gordon Cooper and M. Scott Carpenter, who took part in USA’s first human space flight program called “Project Mercury.”

Back on earth, after more than 60 years of planning, engineering and cooperation by the U.S. and Canada, the St. Lawrence Seaway finally linked the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean creating an economic boon.
New television programs included “Rawhide”, “Bonanza”, “The Untouchables”, and “The Twilight Zone”, which still ranks as one of the most unique and well-written shows in TV history. It featured unknown actors who become quite famous, including Ron Howard, Dennis Hopper, Robert Redford and William Shatner. Guess, “Twilight Zone” was a great precursor for Shatner honing his leading role in “Star Trek” a few years later.

In 1959, we didn’t have a television and I have never caught the reruns of “The Twilight Zone.” Hum, I wonder if they are available on Netflix or other streaming services. Don’t think my dad thought much of TV and it certainly was not a necessity at the time.

Popular movies were “Some Like it Hot”, “Ben Hur”, and “North by Northwest.” Academy Award winners were “Gigi”, “The Big Country”, and “The Defiant Ones.”

So, now you get to ponder on your memories that are a bit closer to home. Be sure to share those memories. Write them down for your posterity! How else will history be preserved, if we don’t record it? Yep, this is a challenge to you!


Scott Valley Protect Our Water will meet Aug, 29, 2019 at the Fort Jones Community Center at 7 p.m. Ray Haupt, Dist. 5 Siskiyou Co. Supervisor, will be speaking.

Liz Bowen began writing ranch and farm news, published in newspapers, in 1976. She is a native of Siskiyou County and lives near Callahan. Columns from the past year can be found at: Call her at 530-467-3515.

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