Saturday, March 30, 2019

Liz Writes Life 3-27-19

March 27, 2019

Liz Writes Life


Scott Valley Protect Our Water will meet this Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 7 p.m. at the Fort Jones Community Center. I will probably bring chocolate chip cookies; more desserts are welcome. We are so lucky to have Mike and Pauline Cramer, who set up the room (Mike always expects lots of people) and Pauline makes the coffee.

President Andrew Hurlimann will facilitate the meeting. Erin Ryan, staff for Congressman Doug LaMalfa, likes to drive up to Siskiyou Co. from Redding to share info from WA D.C. She will also report on a meeting at the Israeli consulate, in San Francisco, which is on March 26. Erin said Israeli Consul General Shlomi Kofman and Deputy Consul General Ravit Baer will be answering questions. She has had Shlomi Kofman on her “We the People” radio show.

Ray Haupt, Dist. 5 Siskiyou Co. Supervisor said he has plenty to talk about. Some good things are happening regarding forest thinning and (much better) management to reduce the devastation of wildfire. There are still lots of state and federal regulations to deal with or remove, but Ray is involved with several groups that are making headway.

On March 27th, Ray will be facilitating a committee meeting for the Northern CA. Coordinating Forest Task Force that includes Cal-Fire, USFS, Fire Safe Councils, counties, tribes, government agencies, and the local timber industry. For years, Ray has been frustrated with the lack of ability to thin trees and actually do sufficient fuels treatments. He welcomes this task force.

Last year, CA. Dist. 1 Congressman, Doug LaMalfa, was able to work to approve legislation, which authorized federal agencies to expedite forest thinning and fuels treatments. Then, believe it or not, our previous CA. Gov. Jerry Brown also pushed for exempting regulations. And even more is happening, this year, with the new CA. Gov. Gavin Newsom declaring a statewide emergency to speed up fire prevention efforts. Newsom cited “extreme peril” to life and property in his executive order, last Friday, which exempts forest management projects from some environmental regulations.

LaMalfa immediately praised Newsom and said this move is “recognition that excessive environmental laws are preventing proper forestry work.”
LaMalfa added, “The proposal made today is in line with the work I am doing with the Trump Administration to speed up forestry projects in order to reduce the risks of major forest fires.”

LaMalfa is a ranking member of the Forestry and Conservation subcommittee, which has been working to increase funds to the Forest Service. He reiterated the importance of California and the federal government working as partners to “improve the health of our forests while simultaneously creating jobs in rural America.”

Lisa Nixon, Siskiyou Co. Dist. 4 Supervisor, discussed this same issue on Dec. 12th at the Siskiyou Republican Women’s Federated meeting, held in Yreka. I wasn’t able to attend the meeting, so I called Lisa and we chatted.

While, she and Supervisor Ray Haupt were sitting in a meeting with President Donald Trump, he announced a new federal attitude towards forestry. This was during Lisa and Ray’s visit to WA D.C., last November, when Pres. Trump said he had just signed a federal action rule to streamline environmental projects. Lisa said because of the early-November drastic fires that destroyed the CA. city of Paradise, including 1,400 homes and killing 85 people, the big issues were fire and forest management.

In streamlining the federal environmental projects, Lisa said Trump’s goal is for a single agency to be responsible as the lead, instead of a variety of agencies duplicating the process and making the process longer.

Lisa also explained Trump’s “Shared Stewardship Project” that allow counties to be equal partners with the USFS to implement forest plans. Trump’s comment was, “Our county leaders are where it’s at.” I take this to mean that county governments understand what needs to happen in their individual county (better than the feds) to improve forest health and public safety. Wow, that is great news! To be fair to the USFS, the agency’s hands have been tied by all the environmental lawsuits and resulting strangling regulations. It is indeed time for a change.

Lisa also said the county supervisors feel they are making headway in working with California officials and regulators, especially in dealing with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. In the past year and a half, state officials have been invited to several Water Tours held in Shasta and Scott Valleys and the result has been a “jaw-dropping” acknowledgement of the extent of water conservation by farmers and ranchers.

During lunch, after one tour, state officials told Lisa they were amazed as they had no idea there was such a cooperative stewardship by agriculture – and they were even more impressed that so much of it was voluntary. Lisa reiterated the “whole goal” is for fish and agriculture to survive together. “Heavy-handed regulations drive farmers out of business,” she said.


Sure did like the rain we received and it can keep on coming, so I don’t have to irrigate the perennials. It was so warm that I did water the tiny lettuces that are under the clear plastic tub. Then I noticed the garlic is up about two-inches and the rhubarb is emerging with its crinkled leaves. I remember two years ago, the spring was so warm with little snow or rain that the rhubarb was two-feet tall and ready to harvest the end of March. Not so this year. I haven’t noticed any asparagus poking up, yet.
Oh, several weeks ago I purchased 20 gladiolus bulbs and I really need to get them planted!  

Mary Poppins

The Yreka High School Drama Club is holding its Spring Musical 2019 at the Yreka Community Theater. I went on opening night and thoroughly enjoyed the show. There were a few technical difficulties, as happens on the first night, but the actors and actresses did a great job. There were lots of set changes, yet they flowed easily. I can’t believe how well the lead students knew their lines and there was a lot of talking. The crowd really enjoyed the group musical sets. If you like to support our youth performing the arts (and adults and students playing in the orchestra), be sure to attend this Thursday or Friday at 7 p.m. or Saturday at 3 p.m. Tickets are $10.

Liz Bowen began writing ranch and farm news, published in newspapers, in 1976. She is a native of Siskiyou County and lives near Callahan. Columns from the past year can be found at: Call her at 530-467-3515.

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