Saturday, March 16, 2019

Liz Writes Life 3-6-19

March 6, 2019

Liz Writes Life

There was more rain and snow making closures on Forest Mt. and on Interstate 5, last week, but it has barely snowed at my place near Callahan. Buckets of water are still in my bathtub to flush the toilet, which has made the power stay on! Lots of other folks haven’t been so lucky. My brother, Steve Dillman, called on Wednesday and said his power had been off since Sunday night. It started snowing and didn’t stop until it was 14-inches deep up there in Douglas County, near Roseburg, Oregon. He is at 600 feet of elevation!

Steve was ready for such a situation with a generator to keep the freezer and refrig going in the house. He and wife, Janet, moved out into the RV, which has propane for heat, stove and refrig. Besides lots of trees and limbs crashing down throughout Oregon, he said the cell tower was out as well. So, after driving 10 miles towards I-5, he found cell service and was getting more propane. Sounded like they were doing OK and he called the situation “an adventure.” When you are a helicopter pilot, most of life is a pretty good adventure!


I didn’t get the lettuce seeds planted. The package is still sitting on the kitchen table as a reminder, so maybe this week …


I was happy to see a “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day” will be held on March 30, 2019 at 11 a.m. at the Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds with good organizers Mark Dean, Tom Jackson and Dan Morgan. Our county supervisors passed a resolution extending their “congratulations, respect, and sincere thanks to all Viet Nam Era veterans.”


Last week, I received several more scammer calls. One wanted to consolidate my credit cards – before I hung-up. As if in answer to my frustration of the telemarketers and scammers, Siskiyou Telephone Co. sent an FCC Consumer Advisory with info on the situation. The Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission are now sharing responsibility for enforcing the National Do-Not-Call list. If you haven’t registered for the list the number to call is 1-888-382-1222. I don’t recall if I am on it or not and my cell certainly isn’t, so I will do it this week and see if it helps.

The advisory says that if the person is “live” you should tell them that you are the telemarketer do-not-call list and get his or her name. Then make a note of the time, date, business or request from the call as you will need this info to file a complaint.

Here are the reasons of how and why to file a complaint. Note: Apparently, complaints cannot be filed against charitable groups. Violations that should be reported are: Calls before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.; or the telemarketer leaves a message, but fails to leave a phone number that can be used for the company specific do-not-call list; or you receive telemarketing calls from organizations you have requested not to call you; or the telemarketing firm fails to identify itself; or you receive a pre-recorded commercial message that you do not have an established business relationship.

You can file a complaint by calling 1-888-225-5322. It may take several months for your request to be on the do-not-call list actually happens, so call and complain until at least three months has past, according to the advisory info.

Klamath dams

With all the letters to the editor talking about the Klamath dams this past week, I would like to again say – the four hydro-electric dams are not yet coming out. It is not a done deal.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is proceeding with the relicensing process that was petitioned by PacifiCorp back in 2004. As a news reporter in the late 1990s, I began attending meetings where PacifiCorp was beginning the process to re-license the dams. You see, it had obtained licenses back when the dams were built and those licenses were about to expire in 2000. Typically, hydro-electric dams are licensed by FERC for 40 to 50 years. Companies like PacifiCorp need to have certainty they will be able to be in business for quite a while. I often wondered why PacifiCorp has never been given the 50-year license, but has only been granted a one-year-at-a-time license during the past 19 years. Bet it has something to do with the politics by those who want the dams to be destroyed. You think?

After the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement failed to obtain the millions of dollars needed from Congress to take the dams out, the KBRA became defunct around 2016. Since then, the non-profit Klamath River Renewal Corp. was established with the sole purpose of taking the four dams out. As PacifiCorp has been backed into a corner for nearly two decades, it has allowed KRRC to enter into a relicense agreement. That decision is now in front of FERC, which must follow federal government processes regarding such a project.

At the Feb. 19, 2019 meeting of the Siskiyou Co. Supervisors, the county provided a presentation of its response to the CA. State Water Resources Control Board’s release of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Lower Klamath Project. No one was there to hear it, including me. Oops, so I am reading it from the agenda on-line.

The county’s response is daunting explaining not only the bad and old science that the Water Board used in its draft EIR, but outlines the correct federal procedure that FERC will follow.

One sentence in the 37-page response by Siskiyou County hits the nail on the head. It states: “The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) applies to projects that are carried out, financed, or approved in whole or in part by federal agencies; therefore, FERC must prepare an environmental impact statement prior to taking action with respect to the Proposed Project.”

I think this means the release of the Draft EIR by the state put the cart before the horse as the federal EIS has not been developed or released by FERC.

Our county’s response to the State Water Board’s Draft EIR looks like it blew a lot of holes in the Draft EIR as well as the Definite Plan provided by KRRC. I’ll provide specifics next week.

Liz Bowen began writing ranch and farm news, published in newspapers, in 1976. She is a native of Siskiyou County and lives near Callahan. Call her at 530-467-3515.

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