Jan. 27, 2019

To readers:

Controversy continues to surround the removal of 
4 hydro-electric Klamath dams. 

I made several errors in my "Liz Writes Life" column 
of January 22, 2019. I am correcting them in my 
January 29, 2019 column that will be published in
the Siskiyou Daily News paper located in Yreka, CA. 

It will also be posted here on this blog site.

I am posting the following information to 
ENCOURAGE  everyone to go to the 
State Water Resources Control Board site 
and read for yourself the 
DRAFT Environmental Impact Report released the 
end of December and last updated on January 2, 2019
when I copy and pasted the front page with index
to this blog post.

Below is the front page on the

State Water Resources Control Board site
for the Lower Klamath Project --
Draft Environmental Impact Report. 

-- Editor Liz Bowen

Lower Klamath Project – 

Draft Environmental Impact Report 


Deadline to submit comments: 12:00 pm (noon) on February 26, 2019
Information on public meetings, how to submit comments, and where to find hardcopies 
of the Draft EIR is available in the Notice of Availability for Public Comment of a 
(Released December 27, 2018)

Volume I: Main Text of Draft EIR

Section 3: Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures (3.1-3.24)
Section 4: Alternatives (4.1-4.8)

Volume II: Appendices A – W

If you prefer, you may download the entire Draft EIR as: